biggest business allies

Who’s on your team? As a new business owner it’s important to have those who support you lined up every step of the way. Even if you don’t need them in the status quo, you want to have a solid idea of who’s behind you and what they can offer when the time comes. This is a smart way of doing business in general as a franchisee, and an even smarter way to start off as a new entrepreneur.

Take a look at these tips for finding those who are on your team and how to use their connections in the future. This is a smart and proven way to expand your business options moving forward.

Giving Back to Those Around You as a Franchisee
Before you start out asking others for what they can give, remember that it’s not a one-way street. You have to be willing to help others in order to expect them to help you. Sure you’re busier and may not have many resources right now. That’s ok. You can offer what you do have, or just simply remain aware of who’s helped you. Then you can return the favor once you’re in a better place to do so. This is a great way to earn the trust of others and to advance as a franchisee.

Even being willing to listen or give advice can go a long way. Never underestimate the power of getting others on your side. And be willing to return the favor.

Who’s in Your Franchising Circle?
Now it’s time to look for those around you. Who’s on your team in general? It’s likely that this group consists of family members, friends, as well as your franchising brand. You may even have employees (who also have their own circle). Later, you’ll have others rooting for your success, but early in the process they may not know what you’re doing yet.

Start with these key folks and know that they have your franchise’s best interests in mind. They want you to succeed, and in most cases, they’ll lend a hand in order to ensure that that happens. That means giving advice, providing you with resources, connections, funds, or putting in some work themselves. These resources are so important to your business. They come from a place of love, but they can also help get you where you need to go. When offered, consider taking advantage of these key resources for your franchising business.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to others, either. If you have people who you’d like to reconnect with, let them know what you’re up do. Not with the expectations of asking for their help, but to simply let them know you’re starting a franchise business. They can root you on from afar, and if the time comes where you do need their help, you can offer to pay for it. It might come with a discount or some additional advice while you’re at it.

Because these folks are a little further outside of your “inner circle,” they will be unlikely to offer things for free. However, that doesn’t mean that they are any less invested in your success.

Finding Your Business Allies Over Time
It’s also a good idea to remember that you can’t always determine how others will react to your business. Don’t take it personally if someone with whom you are close isn’t as invested as you expected they would be. In the same light, it’s likely that those who are further outside your circle will become more invested than you originally thought. Take this all in stride. Those who are willing to show up, spread the word, etc., will become some of your best business allies. Utilize their reach and be sure to thank them for your efforts.

As for those who simply aren’t showing up to the occasion, don’t force the relationship. It’s not a battle worth having, and one that you are also unlikely to win.

Meanwhile, it’s also a good idea to find new professional friends. Connect those who are in your industry. Go to marketing meetings or meet-ups for local franchise owners. Sponsor events in your town or industry, and more. These are all ways to make great connections who can work with your brand (and you as a business owner) in years to come. It’s never bad to have these professional friendships in your pocket, and having them sooner rather than later is also a great way to let others know about your upcoming franchise location. Consider reaching out to your market for a smart way to grow.

Wrapping Up with Your Franchise Allies
The key take-away is knowing that opening your franchise business doesn’t have to be done alone. Accept the help of those within your circle. But don’t expect others to provide help for free. Give back to your community as well. Then if the help is offered, remember who helped you make it to the top, and consider helping them as well.

Posted on Friday November 12, 2021 by Staff to Recent Franchise News