mature student

What’s Your Education Level? And Does it Matter in Franchising?
As a future business owner, you probably wonder how qualified you are for your upcoming tasks. Even the most experienced of workers have these doubting thoughts; it’s simply human nature to wonder what you can and can’t do. Being the boss means you’ll come across all areas of responsibilities (including those you’ve never had before), and it’s only natural to wonder what you can and can’t do. After all, that’s what ensures we are prepared for whatever a franchise might send us: asking questions and creating plans for as many scenarios as possible.
Types of Education
Two areas that make you most qualified – or make others feel that you are the most qualified – include education and training/direct experience. Direct experience comes from working in a field or at a specific skill. It’s what you learned by doing in a professional setting, from running a cash register, to managing an entire team of workers. Though each task, you learned a handful of related abilities, too, allowing your base to expand upon itself.
These skills are generally transferable, even when they’re learned through outside industries. It’s hard to argue with that fact that you learn by doing, right?
Then there is your education level that helps qualify you for a job. Years of schooling either through college, online classes, or even continued education/specialty training courses. Though education level is important, it often gets more weight than it deserves. Who’s to say a degree is worth more than 20 years of hands-on experience? Then again, there are businesses that call for specific and certifiable skills.
Every scenario is different. This is also why you must weigh and look at all of your skills, not just the ones that took you to a classroom.
How Much Education Do You Have?
Some people were seemingly made for school and rack up multiple degrees. Others thrive in the workforce and prefer to leave the books at home. No scenario is better than the other. And the latter certainly shouldn’t be omitted when looking at education; it’s just a different kind of learning. Some would even argue it’s far more effective as it’s hands-on.
Everyone learns differently and gets more out of various methods.
Look at degrees, courses, training seminars and more. Then look at the types of jobs you’ve held and for how long you were in each position. With each job came more training, more years of experience, and so on. All of these factors combined serve as your education; neither should hold more weight than the other. 
Why Education Might Not Matter
As Mark Twain said, “I never let schooling interfere with my education.” Be sure to know the difference, and understand that skills in a job are universal, no matter where they originated. More so, remember that skills are not mutually exclusive and often overlap, despite their original titles.
Believe it or not, degrees aren’t everything. While they show a potential employer you have the will and the drive to get things done, they don’t show work ethic or ability. All of that is proved by actually working.
Besides, as a franchisee, you’re the boss. You aren’t trying to impress anyone but yourself. So long as you know you have a certain set of skills and can prove that to your brand, you’re all set!
Those who have degrees have to prove they can work and show the world what they can do, just like those who are without initials behind their name. Whether or not higher education is under your belt, business requires showing and doing. Rather than focusing on earning education, gain skills and real-life business experience. Find what needs to be done, and then go about it in the best way possible. Whether that be through yourself, asking for others’ help, hiring, or working closely with your franchising brand to find the ideal situation for everyone involved.
Logistics is a skill that’s learned by doing and planning, not by studying.
You can also take personal skills into consideration. Look at your natural abilities and how they can help advance your career. These are often overlooked, but shouldn’t be discounted just because they aren’t on paper. Think of it as your natural education; Mother Nature’s gift to your future career.
To Educate or Not to Educate
If you’re wondering if your educational level will be “enough” with your future franchise business, it’s time to look beyond the certificates. Instead, consider what you can do, not what you can prove on paper. Workforce abilities are those that stick, and that prove you’re the right person for a job, even before you open up shop.
Talk to us about your skills – as well as the ones you want – when discussing your franchising options today.

Posted on Tuesday April 17, 2018 by Staff to General Franchise Information