The Importance of Continuing Education as a Franchise
Continuing education. Night classes. Online credits. Test hours. Learning conferences – do any of these sound familiar? If you’ve considered upping your professional ed game, chances are you’ve heard one or all of these terms. The industry norms that allow working professionals to expand and hone their skills, whether they’re taking courses in their everyday responsibilities, or expanding into something new. It’s not what each of these courses is called, however, nor the curriculum that makes them up that makes them worth our time. Instead, it’s all that they have to offer. 
By continuing your education – even informally – you can expand your business knowledge, create professional growth, and more. You can learn new skills that can be directly utilized within your business. You can spark your mind to think in different ways. You can teach employees to take on new skills and how to expand their current repertoire. And that’s only the beginning. Continuing education not only looks good on paper (or to your customers if you’re not handing out resumes to potential clients), it’s a step that’s directly applicable to your professional world.
While challenging yourself, you’ll learn to better run your business and adjust growth in new and exciting ways. Take a class in a field that’s “not exactly your forte”. Then take one you’ve had your eye on for years. Sign up for a conference that teaches organization skills, and so on. There is no definition to what continuing education might mean, only that it means you are continuing to learn.
Along your journey, you can gain many skills, such as finding a more efficient way to run your business, to learning how something works in the first place, to perfecting a craft. Oh, and did we mention that classes can be just-for-fun too? The more you exercise your brain, the better it’s able to work in all facets. Which means it’s the perfect excuse for finally enrolling for that “impractical” class … and the one you’d never thought you’d need.
Never Stop Learning
While you will most definitely be learning constantly while on the job, taking classes is an entirely different way to obtain new skills. Where your brain is reading and concentrating on material, not necessarily on a task. Everyone educates in different ways, but it’s also important to challenge your brain, which can be done by offering varied ways to get information. Think of it as exercise for the mind. One day you’re working the glutes, and the next it’s time for cardio – a full-body approach.
Continuing your education will be beneficial for you, the business owner. But it’s also a good idea for employees. Allowing them to take classes – even encouraging them to do so – can improve their performance at work. It can also be an incredible perk that allows you to reel in more valuable workers.
There’s no denying that business ownership is all about learning. Stay proactive along that journey and create situations where you can expand your skills on a regular basis. It’s a step that will not only help you personally, but will allow your business to reach new heights.
This includes anything from earning a secondary degree, to informal courses that teach reasonable thinking.

Posted on Thursday June 23, 2016 by Staff to General Franchise Information