sweating businessman

Should You Market Differently Based on Time of Year?
Consider that it’s full-blown summer. Heat is among us, the humidity is a constant factor, and ACs are blasting everywhere.
Quick – what do you want and need? Are you hungry? What type of foods do you eat when you’re ultra hot? Chances are you’ll be pretty thirsty, too. How’s your home’s insulation?
Next, it’s fall. The day is getting dark sooner rather than later, evenings are cooling off and the wind is always around the corner. Not to mention rain and the need for sudden wardrobe changes.
Now, what do you want and need? Do the same foods sound good as they did this summer? Are you as thirsty? Is home insulation still a factor? Perhaps your home is better at holding heat vs. cool air. You might be more concerned with the fireplace or heating filters.
It’s likely that your wants and needs changed drastically, just based on the weather. With outdoor changes comes the need to adjust what’s needed or preferred. Weather is only one factor, too. There are holidays, scheduled time off, and more – all that help contribute to consumer patterns.
Which brings the verdict that yes, you SHOULD market differently based on the time of year.
As a new franchisee, your brand will help steer you in the right direction. They’ll let you know when to push a certain product or service, when you’re most likely to experience a slow month, and more. Over time, however, you’ll become more in tune with your brand. You will understand your location and how folks are most likely to shop, based on the day of the week, time of day, and especially the time of year.
Playing off of these norms allows you to entice new business when you would have otherwise been slow, or even sell services or products that are statistically out of season. You can also grow your reach at the busiest times of year to wider, broader audiences.
The Perks
Knowing your audience is an important step in franchising. You will learn who are your best customers and ideal settings for reaching them. If this sounds overwhelming, don’t fret – it’s a process that comes easier than you might think. Not only will your franchising brand help you navigate the process, you will readily take on this information just by working. You will notice types of customers naturally. Then when you stop to do paperwork and to see what methods or working best, that same data will become even more clear on paper.
In any case, marketing based on time of year allows you to reach the right people at the right times. Those thirsty people who need more to drink because of the sweltering weather, go out and find them! The people who need to keep the heat inside and the cold air out, bring them to your website! This is true of countless situations. But when the season is changing, you marketing efforts should be, too.
It’s Easier Than it Sounds
If you aren’t a marketing guru, don’t worry, this flow comes naturally to your business. You will transition into each service as it becomes necessary and more popular with the date. That means you’ll be pushing said service already. All you have to do is let more people know what’s available. Ask your franchising brand for help … or you can even reach out to a marketing specialist for tips on social media, radio ads or commercials, or even printed coupons.
The main takeaway, however, is that your business changes throughout the year. People need and want various things based on climate, important dates, and whatever else might come their way.
Utilize this by anticipating what they will need from your franchise. All you have to know is let them know what’s available and how you can help. Simple.
Better still is that you will master this over time. See what works and what doesn’t, and repeat the former as often as possible. Marketing is a learned skill that becomes more practiced the longer you’re in business. Pinpoint your customers and learn to cycle through the seasons to gain more business, even during slower portions of the year.
Ready to learn more? Contact us today!

Posted on Tuesday June 5, 2018 by FranchiseOpportunities.com Staff to General Franchise Information