employees cheering

How to Encourage Employees Toward Their Best Work Days Possible
Being berated, talked down to, told that pretty much everything we’re doing is wrong – we’ve all been there. It’s a scenario that keeps you walking on eggshells until the workday is finally through. And whether it’s because your boss is in a bad mood, or that’s the daily norm (yikes!), it’s nothing to get excited about. It’s an environment that keeps you from doing your best, and messes with your ability to be mentally present in your job.
Those are also the very reasons you don’t want to create a similar terrible work space for others. From day one, by setting up a positive place to do business, you can avoid all of these distractions that cause employees to fear that they’re not living up to expectations.
First off, start by staying positive. Mistakes happen, bad days are going to come, and even more of the above. There’s no shame in letting others know that everything can’t always go as planned, 100% of the time. (What fun would that be?) By setting up your expectations for (occasional) failure, they will be more at ease when such an event does take place. In contrast, employees might panic or try to hide what took place. However, it’s also important to set the standard that mistakes mean learning experiences. Rather than wasting a day on said mishap, use it as a stepping stone on which to move forward. Do this yourself, and encourage others to find out what went wrong – then how to look toward preventative measures in the future. Take it a step further and implement company-wide changes that will prevent these same mistakes.
Now, talk them up. We are our own worst critics, so it’s important to let others know when they’re doing an outstanding job at work. Coming from the boss, such compliments are sure to carry some serious weight behind them. And add some extra effort, to boot! Point out workers who are each great at a certain task and continue to brag on your most impressive members (they’re all impressive – right?) throughout the day. Setting this standard will put up an entire office vibe of positivity, meaning all will be complimentary, not negative, toward fellow employees.
Next, look toward individual growth. If someone isn’t living up to a certain standard, let them know. You don’t have to belittle to talk down to them, simply use a calm voice to point out areas that host room for growth. To avoid singling people out, schedule set meetings with each worker where you discuss pros and cons to their performance at work.
Finally, it’s also important to be firm. Just because you’re creating a franchise location where all are growing and avoiding putting others down, does not mean you are a pushover. Positive, yet also with your business’ best interests in mind. This balance might take some time to achieve, but it’s one that will earn you respect, and allow employees to succeed while under your tenure.
Are you ready to start fostering best work practices in a way that will earn you results? Check back in for even more tips and tricks, and ongoing steps to make your business as successful as possible.

Posted on Thursday March 8, 2018 by FranchiseOpportunities.com Staff to General Franchise Information