yoga class

How Franchises are Cashing In on Health Trends
It’s no secret that folks are putting more emphasis on their bodies’ health. If not in actual practice, in what they’re told by the media. Now more than ever, commercials are focusing on selling body-smart products. Citizens are learning to eat right, work out, and find ways to keep the body in its best working practice. And franchises are taking notice. With each trendy topic or item that’s selling, they’re actively working them into their brand’s services.
New ideas or ingredients are in high demand, and marketing teams are doing all they can to ensure they’re staying on trend. For instance, food chains are reworking recipes to include popular ingredients, or making additions that stay in tandem with foodie topics. And so on.
In a similar light, fitness companies are working to apply those same current events, such as up-and-coming exercises or the use of new types of equipment. While non-health brands are even partnering with others to up their reach.
Obviously, it’s in a brand’s best interest to take on these areas. People are buying, so why not cash in?
However, this “sell what they want” tactic is nothing new. Companies advertise what’s on consumers’ minds, and always have. It’s simply the best way to take on the market. After all, if people are constantly pumped with scents of pumpkin or reminded of toning with one’s own body weight – brands that cater to the above will be better received. Then, when it comes down to following through, they’ll also buy from those who have what they want. Not those who only stick to the classics.
What has changed, in contrast, is what’s actually trending. In years past, the United States was all about yoga and recycled mats, or veggie burgers and diets that cut out carbs. All of which were worked into companies’ services or menus, no matter how long they’d been around. Today, those focuses have simply shifted. We’re into quinoa, clean eating, and workouts on DVD, specifically those that fall outside of traditional methods.
Finding a way to bridge these topics into one’s specialty can ensure higher profits and company growth. Each franchise even has the stats to prove it.
In Practice
In general, it’s part of a company’s premise to update services. Every year (or even more frequently) they look at what’s selling, what could be more efficient, and how they can make more money. From all angles. Often this brings on experiments like seasonal products or specials based on holidays. Services that do extremely well can then be worked in permanently. While those that sell poorly or are considered a short-term trend are phased out. Minimal funds lost and an important learning experience gained.
One of the easiest ways to update with the times is through your respective marketing team. Entire franchise branches are dedicated to finding what’s working and what people want. For instance, a healthier lifestyle, but without sacrificing their favorite habits. That information is then passed to franchisees with tips on how to move forward with each trend, or how it might flourish in their market.
What that Means For You
If you’re looking into franchising, trends serve as a good reminder to find popular opinion. While those who are already franchising can follow trends with their company’s help.
In either scenario, staying relevant will mean business growth and expansion, and the ability to stay in tune with customer needs. With the adaptability to follow the market. No matter which way it might flow.

Posted on Thursday June 29, 2017 by Staff to General Franchise Information