work wardrobe

Do you Have a Work Wardrobe? (And Why You Should)
Think back to your grade school days, when mom picked out an outfit and set it out for you to wear. Early the night before school, you knew exactly what you’d be wearing the next day. You might not have had much of a choice in the matter, but it was one less thing to do. And in hindsight, you realize you matched and were somewhat put together. Perhaps you still follow that same method today, or maybe you don’t. No matter how the outfit is picked, however, you should be looking toward regular clothes that are dedicated to work.
Yes, really!
Guffaw if you must, but having “work clothes” is one of the easiest ways to ensure you look professional at all times. It can take out time spent on wondering what to wear, and each purchase can be used as a write-off. Some even argue that putting on a work outfit gets them mentally prepared for the day, from the very moment they get dressed.
The level of organization here is totally up to you. You can give work clothes a section of your closet, and you can even decide how many pieces are needed to stay fresh and stylish. (That is, depending on your profession and personality.) While some might only have enough to last until laundry day, and that are sporadically placed throughout their closet, others will have an entire weekday clothing area. So long as you find a method that meets your needs and isn’t too much of a hassle, it’s fair game.
So, why do you need work clothes, anyway?
Have you ever heard the expression, “You can’t make a second first impression?” When you’re dealing with customers, you want to put your best foot forward at all times. This means everything from how you treat others, to how you do your job, and of course, dressing nicely, too. Even before your franchise is in place, you want to look sharp when meeting with contractors, applying for your business loan, interviewing employees, and more.
Besides, keeping the clothes you wear to work separate will allow them to last longer. It will help you keep tabs on them, knowing there are no sudden stains or signs of wear. Specific work outfits can even take the guesswork out of finding what’s appropriate. As in, those mornings when you’re in a hurry ,or the piece you wanted is dirty (and not passable as clean in the slightest), so you have to quickly choose something else instead – those mornings can leave you knowing you’re still dressed to a T.
Looking sharp each day also works as a great example. Your future workers will see how you represent yourself, and know they will be held to a similar standard. Seeing as how both workers and employees will expect you to set the tone, this is simply one more aspect in which you are able to make your franchise look great.
There’s no rule saying work clothes have to be expensive, that they have to be the same as what you want employees to wear, or any other wear-by-the-numbers. Polo shirts and khakis can easily be found on sale, as can suits, dresses, comfortable walking shoes, and more. You can even throw your own personalization in to avoid getting bored.
Check with your franchising brand to see if they have preferences on what you’ll wear each day. But if not, you get to call the shots. So long as you choose options that are clean and professional looking, you can be well on your way to building a dedicated area of your closet.
Bottom line, looking nice at work will help you set your brand apart … even from the get-go. Remember these tips when working toward your upcoming franchise location.

Posted on Monday May 8, 2017 by Staff to General Franchise Information