There have been many franchise changes that have come to light in the wake of the coronavirus. Staying in tune with those changes and adapting your business as they change is imperative for you as a business owner.

What are the most recent proposals in your state regarding COVID-19? When are the next round of adjustments slated to arrive? Keeping up to date with ongoing changes can feel like a part time job in and of itself, but doing so and remaining consistent can help keep your franchise running strong.

This is especially true as last-minute changes have proven a regular event, as well as re-opening dates that are pushed to the right. Because, as COVID numbers fluctuate, lawmakers are deciding, sometimes on the spot, if or when their state should loosen guidelines.

Allowing your franchise to follow state guidelines can help you stay up to code at all times, and it can ensure you won’t receive any flack for failing to meet certain standards.

How to Keep Your Franchise in the Know

News comes in all forms, and it’s hard to know who is a trustworthy source of information. Sign up for email alerts directly through your government office (at state, county, and city levels), if applicable. You can also set up email reminders from your favorite news sources. Ensure you’re dealing with a source that uses facts and interviews to back up their claims.

Stay tuned into radio or podcast channels that discuss the various changes for each COVID-19 compliance outline. These are two mediums that offer announcements of round-the-clock changes.

Meanwhile, check with your franchising brand to see if they’re offering regular updates. In addition to state rules and regulations, there’s a chance that your brand themselves are offering best practices that should be followed for customer and employee safety.

What Information to Avoid For Your Franchise’s Sake

Next, it’s important to know what information you should take with a grain of salt. Most articles on social media need to be checked for authenticity. Any headline that seems dramatic or like it’s looking to create a reaction should also be avoided. Either ignore these posts, or click on the article to determine if the source can be trusted or not. You can always look elsewhere to see if the headlines match.

In the same light, ignore opinions that can’t back themselves up. This goes for friends on social media, as well as news anchors or announcers who have thrown in their two cents.

Many media sources might also be serving a hidden agenda, no matter its effort. Keep this in mind with any swayed text and look toward unbiased pieces instead.

Keep Your Franchise Compliant

Now it’s time to consider your franchise location and keeping it compliant to frequent changes. These compliance guidelines are coming so quickly that it can be hard to keep them all up to date. However, it’s an important step in remaining legal within your state.

You should also keep in mind that there’s no penalty for being overly cautious with your business. If guidelines have lessened or it’s too stressful to keep up with changes by the day, simply remain as-is. Your brand won’t be harmed by remaining too strict; do what works best for your business and your workers. However, by also being aware of state changes, you can adjust your brand whenever it makes the most sense for your location.

Overall, remain consistent. Even as the rules do not, you should inform your staff in a static form of communication. They’ll look to you for guidance on how many customers are allowed in-store, mask protocol, and more. Signs throughout your franchise can also inform customers on how they should act. Simple reminders can serve as a great way to reinforce how the state has asked your business to operate.

Meanwhile, remember that you have final say. If your state is becoming too lax, simply hold off on certain changes. You can always be more cautious than the law requires, and if it makes you feel more comfortable, than consider implementing heftier guidelines for your brand.

Moving Forward as a Franchisee

Making way for varied compliance rules is a great way to fast-track your education as a franchisee. Planning and implementing new rules can offer insight into your employee management abilities. Meanwhile, you’ll be in-tune with government resources, as well as the state’s high-ups.

As a business owner, you can take this opportunity to ensure your staff and customers are not only safe, but comfortable at your facility. Ensure them that you’re following laws and remaining diligent at all times. You can do this with a privacy statement on your website or social media, signage within your store, and simply by communicating with customers in person. Your demeanor can help put everyone at ease, and reiterating that you’re staying on task can help improve morale all-around.

While, yes, it will take more of your time to follow these changing statuses, it’s also an opportunity to keep your franchise at-the-ready as each new ban is lifted within your state.

Stay tuned in to regular state guidelines regarding COVID-19 and remain active on news channels to make the best informed decisions for your franchise brand.

Posted on Friday June 26, 2020 by Staff to General Franchise Information